Update: We have returned from our tour of National Parks Near Las Vegas!  <== Check out this point to see all of the great tips that we share. We are excited to announce our next big road trip! <<Drumroll Please>> We are going to take off for Las…

Happy 2019!  We hope that you’re off to a great new year! When it comes to our parks, Jason (my husband and travel companion) and I want to experience “it all”.  Any opportunity to get out and explore the parks is one that we look forward to.  Choosing…

The first step to planning a vacation is to intentionally set aside time to vacate from your normal routine using your planned time off. It pains me when I hear about folks forfeiting any portion of their employee vacation benefits.  Over half of American’s leave some portion of…

It’s hard for me to believe, but today is the first birthday of this website!  This has been a great year of learning and growth, and we could not be happier with the great friends that we have made that love our National Parks!  We thought that this…