Travel and building a relationship with the outdoors has changed my life in ways that I could not have imagined!  Growing up, I was fortunate to have been exposed to different people and places.  My family took trips to visit extended family and friends that lived out of state on a regular basis.  I had a chance to safely spend time outdoors and to go on walks in parks close to my home.  I even got to travel to Canada in my youth.  I didn’t realize how lucky I was to have had those experiences when I was younger.

As an adult, I have grown even more by having the opportunity to deepen my love of travel and exploring.  I have had the occasion to travel for work.  I have traveled to take advantage of service opportunities.  I have benefited from taking personal trips to foreign lands, and I have had the bounty of seeing some of the most amazing places in the world right here in our National Parks!  I love learning, and my appetite for it is constantly satisfied with the lessons that I learn on the road.

Travel is world-view broadening!

I love to road trip!  I am down for day trips or trips that span multiple hours and multiple states.  While behind the wheel of the car, I find that I have time for deep thinking.  I have gotten to ponder the questions that lie deep within me – the whys and why nots that drive me; my truest desires and goals, unencumbered by the script of “supposed to”.  I get to determine what I truly value.  I get to decide what I do with my time.

Lawrence Durrell said that “Travel can be on of the most rewarding forms of introspection”.

Travel will cause you to see with new eyes… to question… to slow down… to think… to meet new experiences and people… and to (re)define who you are in the context of it all.


“There is wisdom in turning as often as possible from the familiar to the unfamiliar: it keeps the mind nimble, it kills prejudice, and it fosters humor.”  George Santayana

My mom always used to tell me that “there is no learning in the comfort zone and not comfort in the learning zone”.  I love the concept of the learning zone and the comfort zone as two distinct states of being.  When you are challenging yourself and learning new things, you force yourself into a place of discomfort.  It can be both scary and rewarding to step outside of the things that you are familiar with in order to stretch yourself.  When you stay only within the realm of comfort, conversely, you keep yourself from rapidly learning.  This inhibits growth.  Reaching outside of your comfort zone automatically puts you in touch with new ideas, thoughts and experiences.

Travel invites discomfort… and growth… what a confirmation!


Travel is freedom… Travel is intensified living… [it] is a series of hills and valleys.

Travel changes people. It broadens perspectives and teaches new ways to measure quality of life.

Rick Steves

Travel has taught me a great deal about balance.  I have learned that it is ok to go off course… to take a break… to let go of perfection… to live in the moment…

I have been enriched by connecting with history.  I have learned to appreciate the natural world.  I have been gifted with more patience and understanding.

Explore. Dream. Discover. Travel often. Travel for life.

Mark Twain says “Explore. Dream. Discover.”  All that I can add is… “for life”!  Make a habit of traveling, challenging yourself, and enjoying new experiences.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Be a lifelong learner.  Take on new challenges.  Transform your relationship with the world around you.  You will grow and be all the better for it.

Happy exploring!

What does travel mean to you?



Britney is a world citizen, park enthusiast and lover of personal development. She shares tips and experiences that she and her husband, Jason, have had as they visit the 400+ U.S. National Park Units.

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